Assessment practiced :
Based on the results of the initial assessment done in Step 1, occupational therapist in PIP will set goals and plannings of intervention based on the results obtained. Goals and plannings will also be set based on client's priority.
Intervention sessions will be conducted in an hour for each client which made up of 45 minutes of hands-on by therapist and 15 minutes of parents consultation. Sessions will be conducted based on goals and aims set after initial assessment. Each session will be recorded as clinical report in Children Progression Book. Client will be assessed with non-standardized assessment through observation and parents interview.
In every 3 months, parents will have a meeting with occupational therapist for the children progression report. Improvements and development noted will be recorded in the progression report. Upon the meeting, parents may also discuss about the new aims and goals for their child.
Children Progression Book is the tool to measure and monitor the children's development. The content of this book consists of children and carer's details, results of assessment, children's goal progression note and reports of every intervention sessions. Every client/children who receives Occupational Therapy service from PIP is compulsory to own this book.