Procedures of Early Intervention Programme in PIP.
1. Consultation.
- Parents meeting coordinator/professionals in PIP.
- Information regarding Early Intervention Programme provided.
- Procedure of initial assessment explained.
- Obtain important and relevant information from family members.
2. Evaluation and Assessment.
- Children assessed in areas of cognitive, motor, language, socio-emotional, adaptive
behaviours and assessment on family members.
- Determining diagnosis and level of functionality.
- Developing written plan.
3. Parent and Professional Meeting.
- Proposing treatment plan that consists of goals and targets.
- Agreement of therapeutic service.
4. Periodic Reviews/Re-assessment.
- Regular reassessing children through observation to track their progress.
- Parents/carer feedback will be noted from time to time to monitor progression.
- Decision in made to continue, add, modify or delete outcomes, strategies, and services.